Oscyloskop cyfrowy GDS2204A 4x200MHz 2GSa/s, pamięć 2M, 80,000 wfm/s, 8 cali/ CAN/LIN I2C, SPI, UART Generator/ LAN,VGA
Oscyloskop cyfrowy GDS2204A 4x200MHz 2GSa/s, pamięć 2M, 80,000 wfm/s, 8 cali/ CAN/LIN I2C, SPI, UART Generator/ LAN,VGA
Oscyloskop firmy Good Will Instek należy do najwyższej klasy sprzetu pomiarowego oferując znakomitą jakość wykonania oraz korzystna cene.
Nowa seria oscyloskopów GDS2000A. Parametry, które wyróżniają serię GDS2000A od oscyloskopów konkurencji.
- Pasmo do 300MHz (konkurencja do 200MHz)
- Szybkośc odświeżania 80000 WFM/sec (konkurencja do 50000 WFM/sec)
- Standard – funkcja Waveform Search (wyszukiwanie przebiegu) (konkurencja brak lub opcja płatna)
- Standard – Waveform Segment (segmentowa pamieć) (konkurencja brak lub opcja płatna)
- Podstawa czasu od 1ns-100s
- Funkcja Go/No-Go
- Wyświetlacz 8cali SVGA 800*600
- Funkcje matematyczne +, -, *, /, FFT, FFTrms, d/dt ,∫dt,√
- 36 automatycznych pomiarów
Kluczowe parametry
- 200MHz pasmo, 4 kanały wejściowe
- 2GSa/s próbkowanie w czasie rzeczywistym oraz 100GSa/s ekwiwalentnym
- Pamięć 2M punkty
- Odchylanie pionowe 1mV /dz do 10V/dz
- Podstawa czasu 1ns/dz do 100s/dz
- Odświeżanie przebiegów 80,000 wfm/s
- Wyświetlacz 8 cali o rozdzielczości 800*600 TFT LCD
- Wbudowana segmentowa pamięć oraz funkcja wyszukiwania przebiegów dla lepszego zobrazowania długich przebiegów
- Okno Zoom oraz Play/Pause umożliwiają szybka nawigację i przegląd przebiegu
- 36 automatycznych funkcji pomiarowych
- Szeroki wybór interfejsów komunikacyjnych (Standard: USB; Opcja: LAN/GPIB)
Darmowe uaktualnienia:
DVM – cyfrowy miernik napiecia umożliwia pomiar napięcia AC/DC, DCRMS, oraz częstotliwości
H-Expansion – funkcja ułatwiająca inzynierom prace nad wdrażaniem nowych rozwiązań. Umozliwia ustawienie punktu wyzwlania w dowolnym miejscu na ekranie oscyloskopu. Funkcja wspomaga obserwację przebiegu bez poszukiwania ustawionego punktu wyzwalania.
CAN/LIN – opcje wyzwalania magistrali bus oraz dekodowania. Opcja analizatora stanów logicznych
2GSa/s Real-time Sampling Rate and up to 300MHz Bandwidth
80,000 wfm/s Waveform Update Rate and VPO TechniqueThe waveform update rate of 80,000wfm/s enables users to accurately acquire and examine inrush signals and elusive glitches without missing any detail. Attributed to the advanced signal processing technique, VPO (Visual Persistence Oscilloscope), the grayscale display of waveforms shown on GDS-2000A distinguishes the signals from one another according to their occurrence frequencies respectively.
Upgrade to Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO)
The GDS-2000A series provides the flexibility of easy conversion from a DSO into a MSO (Mixed Signal Oscilloscope) under a plug-and-play concept. As two plug-in compartments are available at the rear panel to accommodate various plug-in modules, the GDS-2000A series DSO with an 8 or 16 digital channels module performs MSO functions perfectly at the user’s installation of the module. The analysis and decoding functions of parallel bus and serial bus such as I2C, SPI, and UART are supported after the module is installed. GDS-2000A is regarded as an effective tool in signal analysis, trouble diagnosis and debug.
Function Generator Option
The plug-in module of DDS (Direct Digital Synthesis) based function generator is provided as an option of the GDS-2000A series. The function generator is able to generate Sine, Triangle and Square waveforms, with variable duty cycle of the square waveform. Two function generators can be used at the same time to provide dual output signals. With the stimulus source, the verification of electrical characteristics and functionality of the DUT (Device Under Test) can be done in one DSO.
Design for Plugged-in Options
Besides Logic Analyzer and Function Generator modules, the GDS-2000A series also provides optional LAN/SVGA Interfaces module and GPIB interface module for user’s selection. The Modularized Structure offers a dramatic elasticity allowing user to upgrade the DSO with field-installable options after the purchase of the main body. Two modules can be used simultaneously as the maximum capacity of the GDS-2000A options, which include (1) 8-Channel Logic Analyzer (2) 16-Channel Logic Analyzer, (3) DDS Function Generator (4) LAN/SVGA Interfaces Module, (5) GPIB Interface Module.
Zoom Window
GDS-2000A Series is equipped with Zoom Window feature which enables users to display the detailed zoomed waveform located by the Zoom Window. Under Zoom mode, the entire inbound waveforms and zoom range cursors are displayed in the upper window, and the waveform details in the Zoom window are displayed in the bottom window. Users can tune the zoomed range by adjusting Time/Div selection, and pan the window by rotating the scrolling knob POSITION.
The Play/ Pause button (?/?) on the front panel can be controlled to automatically browse the entire inbound waveforms by moving the Zoom window across the display, which enables user to further investigate the events of interest. The browse speed and the rolling direction of the zoomed screen can be adjusted based on users’ requirements. The rolling screen can be paused by pressing “pause” button. Collaborating with search markers, the Play/Pause function substantially facilitates the time-consuming task to locate and examine the events of interest at different spots within the whole memory. -
Waveform Search and Markers
2Mega point record length means that actually there are over thousands of waveform data points being processed and displayed in all times. Impact on engineers is how they can access the events of interest efficiently amongst the huge amount of data. GDS-2000A Series offers the Search functions to accelerate the navigation over the whole waveform data so that the engineers can locate the events of interests with efficiency. The searching conditions of waveform are set by selecting Search Type and specifying the Threshold settings. All the complying waveforms will be marked and the total amount of events will be counted and displayed. User can use the forward or backward arrow key to navigate the events of interest from one to another. Press Set/Clear button to place (or clear) the marker on the waveform. There are four search types including Edge, Pulse Width, Runt and Rise/Fall Times to be selected. Additional type of Bus can be selected in case that the digital channel is equipped. -
Segmented Memory
In the system and circuit development, engineers spend most of their time and resource on diagnosis and troubleshooting with DSO. In many cases, only small part of waveform data is of the real concern. Consequently, the efficiency of memory space utilization has been raised– if DSO only processes the concerned waveforms and ignores the irrelevant ones–, which means more data can be processed within the 2Mega memory.
GDS-2000A Series possesses advantages of Segmented Memory as mentioned above. When being activated, the 2M memory is divided into a number of segments specified by the user. According to the trigger condition, 1k point data will be stored in each segmented memory. The maximum amount of segments is up to 2,048 with 8ns resolution. This is useful for analyzing the serial bus decoding, pulse, jitter glitch, runt, and inrush waveforms.
Repeatedly press the Play/ Pause button (?/?) key can play the segment from the first to the last, and as well as pause and replay backwards. Controlling the Variable scrolling knob facilitates the playing speed; therefore, the users can make a swift jump to one particular segment among all. Moreover, Segment Analysis can be used for statistics analysis.
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope(MSO)
With a plug-in 8 or 16 digital channels module, a 12 or 20-channel MSO can be upgraded from DSO by on-site installation. The analysis and decoding functions of parallel bus and serial bus such as I2C, SPI, and UART will be processed after the module installation.
Besides, it can measure digital and analog signal of embedded circuit design by appropriate triggering function. Then further analyze whether the timing sequence is correct or not.
Complete Trigger Functions
GDS-2000A offers abundant trigger functions, in addition to the Edge, Delay, Pulse Width, Alternate, Single, Rise & Fall Time Trigger, GDS-2000A also provides Video and Runt Trigger. The analysis and decoding functions of parallel bus and serial bus such as I2C, SPI, and UART are supported after the 8 or 16 digital channels module is installed. Complete Trigger Functions enables GDS-2000A to become the best choice in its class for capturing and analyzing any kind of signals. -
36 Automatic Measurement
The GDS-2000A offers up to 36 waveform measurements including voltage/current, time/frequency, and delay measurements. 8 out of 36 measurements can be selected to simultaneously display on one single screen. With statistics mode, users can analyze mean, maximum, minimum, and standard deviation of the captured waveform. With the great amount of the analyzing statistics, users may ensure the integrity of the signal and the abnormal waveforms.
CAN/LIN Bus trigger and analysis
CAN Bus and LIN Bus are the most popular standard bus protocol for automobile electronics. Users can download for free the CAN/LIN Bus trigger and analysis software from the GW Instek website to elevate the software analysis capability of GDS-2000A logic analyzer. CAN bus transmission is often used in the electronic signal transmission for security systems. LIN bus is often seen in the control and operation for peripheral electronics equipment. Users can greatly increase the R&D efficiency of automobile electronics via the software installation. -
After installing the DataLog software, users can observe waveform variation for a long period of time to ensure products’ reliability. DataLog function allows users to set data storage timeframe and interval based upon their test requirements. Data storage can be waveforms or the CSV file for each channel. Data can be stored in USB, GDS-2000A or the remote site computer via LAN.
In the logic circuit analysis, “OR”, “AND”, “NOR”, and “NAND” four logic analyses are required and the most fundamental. Users can download and install, free-of-charge, the Advanced Logic software to their GDS-2000A equipped with logic analyzer to enhance the logic trigger and analysis function of digital circuits.
Integrated digital voltage meter, efficiently and simultaneously monitoring voltage, frequency and triggering and measuring intricate digital signals under limited resources, makes this DVM function a huge efficiency multiplier to easily tackle problems and changes users may encounter.
The advantage of H-Expansion is that engineers can move trigger point to any position on the screen and expand the fixed point. Engineers can observe expanded waveforms in great detail without missing the observation of the trigger point.
Option of DDS Signal Generators
The GDS-2000A provides the options of two sets of function generators. The function generators can produce diverse waveforms such as sine, square, triangle, and pulse waveforms. With this stimulus source, the electrical characteristics and functionality of DUT can be tested in one GDS-2000A, which fulfills measurement requirements from omni-dimensions.
Various Interfaces SupportTwo standard USB interfaces located at both front panel and rear panel are used for easy access of stored data. USB device port at the rear panel is available for remote control or a hardcopy print-out through a PictBridge compatible printer. SVGA/LAN interfaces module (option), and GPIB interface module (option) are provided for ATE applications. SVGA video output (option with LAN) allows the results being transferred to external projector or large display screens.