Zestaw ćwiczeniowy technika komunikacji nr kat. M1.1.2.5 COM3LAB

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The electrical communications technology mainly deals with information transmission using signals. Without communications technology there would be no internet and no mobile phones today. The communications technology occupations deal with the fields of high frequency technology, transmisison technology and wiring technology.

The COM3LAB courses of communications technology teach the knowledge clearly and application-oriented using modulation, the various transmission methods, coding, line links, services, logs etc.

Learning objectives

  • Learning physical basic principles
  • Knowledge of various transmission methods
  • Independent application and planning of transmission media


  • Conception and the operating characteristics of modern data – and radio stations
  • Applications of PCM Codecs in the voice – and signal transmisison
  • Classic shift keying also QPSK and the procedures MSK and GSMK used in the area of mobile radio
  • Fault response of shift keying
  • Function and use of two- / four-wire lines, coaxial cables, fiber optic lines etc.

* you will receive further information on the course topics in the product section!

M1.1.2.5 COM3LAB : Communication Technology

Components of equipment sets

700 7101 COM3LAB Course: Transmission Technology TX433 1
700 7201 COM3LAB Course: Reception Technology RX433 1
700 7301 COM3LAB Course: Digital Communication Technology 1
700 7401 COM3LAB Course: Modem Technology 1
700 7501 COM3LAB Course: Telecommunication Lines 1
700 020 COM3LAB Master Unit 1
700 022 Safety cable 2mm 1
700 00CBTDE  4  DVD: COM3LAB software, German 1
700 00CBTEN  4  DVD: COM3LAB software, English 0
  700 00CBTXX – The COM3LAB – Software is also available in French, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Spanish, etc. 0




Firma produkuje zestawy edukacyjne do kształcenia akademickiego oraz szkolenia zawodowego z zakresu fizyki, chemii, biologii oraz elektroniki, elektrotechniki, automatyki, telekomunikacji, maszyn elektrycznych, odnawialnych źródeł energii i fotoniki, jest częścią grupy LD Didactic.