Kurs obwody elektryczne AC część 1 nr kat. 7001301 – COM3lab

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[700 1301] COM3LAB Course: AC Technology I
Course on the fundamentals of alternating current technology, consisting of a test board with 11 different circuits.
This course covers the production of AC voltage, transformers and rectifier circuits.


  • Step voltage
  • Continuous AC voltage
  • Electronic generation of AC voltage
  • Function generator and oscilloscope
  • Induction
  • Principle of the transformer
  • Short-circuited transformer
  • Transformer under load
  • Transformer losses
  • Diodes used as current valve
  • M1 rectifier
  • M2 rectifier
  • B2 rectifier
  • Symmetrical output voltage

Additional functions:

  • Word processing
  • Printer
  • Pocket calculator
  • Free experimentation
  • Glossary

The test board is located in a stable course frame. The master unit is pushed onto the course frame and connected to the board. The security lock ensures safe communication.

The experiment board is powered by the Master Unit.
The wiring of the experiments carried out over 2 mm cable.
Course content, experiment instructions and tasks are taught through a course-specific software.

700 1301 COM3LAB  course : AC technology I

Dodatkowo wymagane :

700 00CBTEN DVD: COM3LAB software, English 1
700 020 COM3LAB Master Unit 1
700 022 Safety cable 2mm 1
PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8 1




Firma produkuje zestawy edukacyjne do kształcenia akademickiego oraz szkolenia zawodowego z zakresu fizyki, chemii, biologii oraz elektroniki, elektrotechniki, automatyki, telekomunikacji, maszyn elektrycznych, odnawialnych źródeł energii i fotoniki, jest częścią grupy LD Didactic.