E Transformatory 1,0

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The experiments are carried out using transformers on training panels in panel frames.


  • Protective measures and electrical safety
  • Set-up of power generation systems according to circuit diagrams
  • Use of commercial measuring instruments, hand-held multimeters, oscilloscopes, measuring interfaces

Transformers are magnetically coupled systems used for transforming AC voltages or matching impedance. Transformers can therefore be used primarily for measurement or generation of electric power. These practical exercises study exclusively transformers used in energy generation. Transformer power ratings can range from a few mVA up to several MVA. The size and design also have an important effect on the transformer ratings. Transformers are regarded as electrical machines even though they contain no moving parts. The windings of three-phase transformers can be connected in a variety of circuit configurations.

Students carry out the experiments as specified in the printed manual. Hand-held multimeters are used to measure the characteristics of the transformers. Display of current or voltage against time is particularly interesting for three-phase equipment, although it is not essential. If this aspect is not required, then it is possible to dispense with the oscilloscope, isolating amplifier etc. or Sensor-CASSY. In this case multimeters are sufficient for measuring RMS values.

The target group is made up of commercial apprentices and students of power engineering. The course offers experiments at an intermediate level for vocational colleges and undergraduate level.

The complete equipment set allows for experiments on all the most important types of transformer.


  • Voltage equation and equivalent circuit
  • Measurement without load, with load and with a short circuit
  • Determination of self-inductance, magnetic coupling and leakage
  • Losses, changes in voltage and efficiency

Similar to illustration

Components of equipment sets

733 91 Three-phase transformer 1.0 1
733 93 Scott transformer 1
733 97 Single-phase transformer 0.3 1
733 98 AC toroidal core transformer 0.3 1
733 99 AC autotransformer 0.3 1
733 10   Resistive load 1.0 1
732 41 Capacitive load 0.3 1
732 42   Inductive load 0.3/1.0 1
531 282   Multimeter Metrahit Pro 3
727 12   Power factor meter 1
575 213   Oscilloscope 40 MHz, two-channel, analogous 1
575 231   Probe 100 MHz, 1:1 / 10:1 2
735 261   Isolation amplifier, four channel 1
Alternative measuring equipment which can be used instead of isolating transformer, oscilloscope and probes:
524 013S   Sensor-CASSY 2 Starter 1
524 013   Sensor-CASSY 2 1
Instead of the transparent coupling guard 731081 there is alternatively a full metal version available under Cat. Nr. 73108.
726 09   Panel frame T130, two-level 1
725 442DG Three-phase voltage supply 400 V/2.5 A 1
500 59   Safety bridging plugs, black, set of 10 2
500 591   Safety bridging plugs, yellow/green, set of 10 1
500 851   Safety connecting leads, 32 A, set of 32 1
500 852   Safety connecting leads, 32 A, yellow/green, set of 10 1
569 2001L   LIT: Transformers (in German) T 10.1 1
569 2001S   LIT: Transformers (in German) T 10.1 1
569 2002   * LIT: Transformers (in English) T 10.1 1
additionally required: PC with Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.




Firma produkuje zestawy edukacyjne do kształcenia akademickiego oraz szkolenia zawodowego z zakresu fizyki, chemii, biologii oraz elektroniki, elektrotechniki, automatyki, telekomunikacji, maszyn elektrycznych, odnawialnych źródeł energii i fotoniki, jest częścią grupy LD Didactic.