A2.5.1.1 System elektronicznej stabilizacji toru jazdy ABS/ESP

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A2.5.1.1 System elektronicznej stabilizacji toru jazdy ABS/ESP

The wheels’ rotational speed is continuously detected by sensors and analyzed by the control unit. In case the wheel sticks, there are adjusting commands at the magnetic valves. The pressurization and depressurization phases follow. The braking effect is reduced and the wheel speeds up again. Our educational system demonstrates these phases. Entering a disturbance value can simulate a sudden blocking of a wheel.

The signal cabling reliably works through the back side so that the front remains clear. An oscilloscope or Sensor-CASSY can record measurements.

The self-diagnosis can be executed in combination with a PC, and typical driving situations can be retraced. A software self-diagnosis and drive simulation are thus available. These can simulate the following situations:

  • Driving maneuver “Quick steering and countersteering”
  • Driving maneuver “Lane change with emergency stop (moose test)”
  • Driving maneuver “Steering and countersteering multiple times”
  • Driving maneuver “Acceleration/deceleration in a tight curve”

Optionally, other student measuring stations (740050) can be connected to the control unit. The students can record and analyze all measurements on the installation at their workstations.


739 650 ABS/ESP control unit   8 1
739 651 ABS/ESP sensors   8 1
739 652 Wheel substitute panel, inductive   8 4
739 654 Steering angle sensor   8 1
738 111-02 Steel column elektronics   4 1
726 10 Panel frame T150, Two Level 1
738 02 Automotive power supply 13.8 V/36 A   8 1
738 10 Ignition Switch   8 1
524 013 Sensor-CASSY 2   4 1
524 013S Sensor-CASSY 2 Starter   4 1
738 985 Automotive meter 1
739 653 Wheel replacement planel, Hall 4
500 59 Set of 10 safety bridging plugs, black   4 5
500 592 Safety Bridging Plugs with Tap, black, set of 10   8 1
500 595 Set of 10 4 mm branching bridging plugs, red   8 1
739 192 Connecting Leads, set of 7   8 1
738 9821 Safety experiment cables, set of 51 1
566 884DE LIT: T, ABS/DSP   4 1
738 01 * Cable and plug box   4 1
500 593 * Fault simulation plugs, black, set of 10 1
738 491S * Automotive fault simulator, starter   8 1
Articles marked with * are not essential, we do however recommend them to carry out the experiment.




Firma produkuje zestawy edukacyjne do kształcenia akademickiego oraz szkolenia zawodowego z zakresu fizyki, chemii, biologii oraz elektroniki, elektrotechniki, automatyki, telekomunikacji, maszyn elektrycznych, odnawialnych źródeł energii i fotoniki, jest częścią grupy LD Didactic.