System sterowania silnikiem Common Rail – Elwe

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The common rail technology is the most widely used diesel injection system in present day automotive production throughout the world. Instead of using the previous method consisting of a mechanically complicated distributor pump and pressure dependant injection nozzles, a much more simply built highpressure pump with a constant flow rate delivering a pressure of up to 1200 bar and piezo, electrically operated injection valves was introduced. The background is a common rail motor management sytem from the firm Renault® using components from the firm Bosch® which distinguishes itself through the following performance characteristics: Well laid out, intelligable technology schematics Separate, mobile engine assembly Built-in original automotive components The connection of workshop test equipment or the ELWE automotive interface to the standardised diagnosis socket: meter all arising measurent data All the control unit connections, which may also be used as metering points, can be made using the 2mm safety-sockets and 2/19mm safety bridge-plugs 4 easilly visible LED bargraphs for engine speed, injection flow, charging-air pressure, and rail pressure Socket strip for the connection of the ELWE automotive metering station which makes it possible to meter, display and analyse test-data directly in front of the students



Firma produkuje zestawy edukacyjne do kształcenia akademickiego oraz szkolenia zawodowego z zakresu fizyki, chemii, biologii oraz elektroniki, elektrotechniki, automatyki, telekomunikacji, maszyn elektrycznych, odnawialnych źródeł energii i fotoniki, jest częścią grupy LD Didactic.