Wyświetlanie 1–12 z 20 wyników

  • System testowania do prób pierwotnych / Wymuszalnik prądowy 1000A – HZ-109S

    System testowania do prób pierwotnych HZ-109S   Dzięki sterowaniu wyjściem za pomocą układów ARM oraz toroidalnemu transformatorowi o wysokiej mocy system testowania do prób pierwotnych HZ-109S, wyposażony w wyświetlacz LCD, może równocześnie wyświetlać prąd pierwotny, prąd wtórny, przekładnię oraz timer. Produkt odznacza się wysoką mocą wyjściową, niską wagą, zwarta konstrukcja wbudowana w aluminiową obudowę z…

  • System testowania do prób pierwotnych / Wymuszalnik prądowy 2000A – Megger SPI225

    Up to 2000A output Smallest primary injection test system in its class First unit on the market to eliminate variac control Output current regulation Designed for switchgear commissioning, circuit breaker, CT commissioning, ground grid and relay testing Software includes thousands of circuit breaker TCC curves The SPI225 is a high current primary injection test system…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-4000-RD

    AC Current Test Set up to 20 kA The LET-4000-RD is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-4000-RDM

    AC Current Test Set up to 20 kA with Motorized Regulation The LET-4000-RDM is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-2010-RD

    AC Current Test Set up to 13 kA The LET-2010-RD is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-2000-RDM

    AC Current Injector up to 10 kA The LET-2000-RDM is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section in…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-2000-RD

    AC Current Test Set up to 10 kA The LET-2000-RD is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-1000-RD

    AC Current Test Set up to 6 kA The LET-1000-RD is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-400

    AC Current Injector up to 2.5 kA The LET-400 is designed to perform primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section in a substation. The…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC – SMC LET-400-RD

    AC Current Test Set up to 2.5 kA The LET-400-RD is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the protection and measuring section…

  • Wymuszalnik prądowy AC z pomocniczym źródłem DC – SMC LET-400-RDC

    AC Current Test Set up to 2.5 kA with Auxiliary DC Source The LET-400-RDC is designed to perform most of the primary tests that are necessary in substations commissioning. It allows to perform with sufficient power, all the primary current injections to test the proper function and wiring of all the elements that compose the…

  • Wielofunkcyjny system testowania do prób pierwotnych / Wymuszalnik prądowy – SMC Raptor

    System Raptor składa się z jednostki głównej ‘master’ oraz opcjonalnych jednostek umożliwiających wykonanie praktycznie dowolne uruchomieniowe lub rutynowe testy sprzętu pierwotnego instalacji średniego i wysokiego napięcia. System Raptor dzięki technologii cyfrowej i innowacyjnej konstrukcji jest najbardziej przenośnym systemem testowania do prób pierwotnych, w atrakcyjnej cenie. Najprostsza konfiguracja Raptor oferuje kompleksowy zestaw funkcji testowych w ultra kompaktowej, niezwykle…