Wyświetlanie 1–12 z 37 wynikówPosortowane według najnowszych
ASIMA Plant Simulator to optymalny symulator obiektu przemysłowego. Dostępne są 33 różne rodzaje obiektów przmysłowycj. Są one ustawiane za pomocą przełącznika kodowego i kolorowych nakładek – paneli. Obejmują one wiele tematów teoretycznych od „Testowania funkcji PLC” do „Złożonej instalacji z systemem sterowania”. W ten sposób możliwe jest wykorzystanie ASIMA na wielu etapach nauki, na różnych…
33-052 Imagine throwing a ball onto a plate and it being stabilised exactly in the centre within two seconds. The remarkable response of this control system is due to the implementation of advanced control techniques which are now prevalent in modern industrial processes. Feedback Ball and Plate Control System demonstrates a classic control problem…
33-007-PCI The Twin Rotor System demonstrates the principles of a non-linear MIMO system, with significant cross-coupling. Its behaviour resembles a helicopter but the angle of attack of the rotors is fixed and the aerodynamic forces are controlled by varying the speeds of the motors. Significant cross-coupling is observed between the actions of the rotors, with…
33-026 – Labview Ten klasyczny problem kontroli lewitacji magnetycznej jest teraz przedstawiony w nowej i innowacyjnej formie. Wydrążona stalowa kula o średnicy 25 mm jest zawieszona w przestrzeni z atrakcyjnymi wizualnie wynikami i wygodnymi stałymi czasowymi. Zaimplementowano zarówno analogowe, jak i cyfrowe rozwiązania sterujące. Convenient gniazda na panelu obudowy pozwalają na szybką wymianę analogowych elementów…
33-033 This trainer allows the investigation of control system principles by using a servo mechanism comprising a dc motor, a variety of sensors and both analogue and digital controllers. Students are also introduced to the fundamentals of transducers and signal processing. Prior knowledge of very basic electronics is assumed as well as simple mathematics although…
34-250 The Trainer is a bench-standing, level and flow process control system that has been specifically designed to train students in the methodology of fault-finding and fault diagnosis in a typical industrial process control environment. The Process is controlled with a built-in controller but an external controller may be used such as a Programmable Logic…
38-009 The Feedback Distributed Control System (DCS) trainer is a complete training solution that combines the operations of a leading commercial DCS process management package, namely Emerson’s DeltaV, with an assortment of our proprietary training rigs. The training rigs offer a range of processes- Level and, Flow, Temperature, Pressure and Forced Air Cooling. These may…
38-004 The Pressure Training System is a single loop pneumatic control system. It enables the study of the principles of both pressure regulation of a process and the control of flow in a pressurised system. The System comprises a low pressure air circuit supported on a bench-mounted panel, making it suitable for individual student work…
38-003 The full set of assignments associated with both the Level/Flow and the Temperature Process Control Systems can be performed. In addition the work may be extended with investigations in Remote Set Point Control, Set Point Ratio Control (Dual Loop), Cascade Control and Feed-forward Control. The combined PROCON Level/Flow and Temperature Process Control System has…
38-002 The Temperature Process Trainer 38-002 is a complete trainer with a two loop system using water as the process fluid which allows the study of the principles of process control using primary and secondary circuit temperatures as the process variables to be controlled. A Forced Air Cooler 38-610 is also available. It accelerates the…
38-001 The complete trainer 38-001 is a single loop system allowing the study of the principles of process control, using liquid level and flow rates as the measured process variables. The system is a completely self-contained, low pressure flowing water circuit supported on a bench-mounted panel, making it suitable for individual student work or for…
37-100 A heating element controlled by a thyristor circuit feeds heat into the airstream circulated by an axial fan along a polypropylene tube. A thermistor detector, which may be placed at one of three points along the tube length, senses the temperature at that point. The volume of air flow is controlled by varying the…